The Mondo

The Mondo


These are some spinners I designed a while back at the tail end of the spinner craze. They were pretty much just an excuse to learn FreeCAD. They all use 1/2" inner diameter washers. 3 per lobe. The Mondo is the three lobe spinner. I redesigned the Mondo to have some knurling just for giggles. I also made a two lobe design that is 33% less Mondo than the others. Uses a standard 608 bearing. I've had the best luck with ceramic, but they can be kind of pricey. Stainless steel works ok too. Glue three washers together, then glue the hole insert in and then glue them all into the spinner. Or reverse the order if that's your cup of tea. I'll think you're weird, but you can do it anyway. If regular spinners help people who have short attention spans, these spinners are for those of you who SQUIRREL! You might not be able to handle the level of Mondosity, so print and use at your own risk!



