PM42L-048 Z axis for MicroCube (CXY)

PM42L-048 Z axis for MicroCube (CXY)


I've had some motors I've had a few cheap motors saved from old 2D printers I've been meaning to use on a 3d printer for a while now. These cheap "can" motors have a step angle of 7.5 degrees which is quite lower than your usual NEMA type motor (1.8 or 0.9 degrees) which can be a big drop in accuracy for something like an X/Y axis, I've seen similar motors used on Z axises before though as the leadscrew adds alot of reduction and so this motor should be adequate. I figured this would be an excellent place to use this motor as I cannot source a NEMA 11 motor which is originally needed for this 3d printer's Z axis. This PM42L-048 motor seems to have similar torque to a NEMA 11 so I'd assume it will perform just fine. I've yet to build this printer but when I do I'll update this and let you all know how well this works (I'd assume it'll work fine)



