Hornady LNL AP 9x19 Case Drop Insert
Improved Case Drop Insert. Why? Insert is the height of a 9mm Luger Case. It features a restricted corner which will likely cause a lockout in the press if adjusted correctly and user inspects jam carefully. (think 380 resistant) Unfortunately, a jam is NOT guaranteed. Please inspect your brass before reloading! Use: Adjust drop tube to be as close as possible to the insert (maybe even closer then in the picture). Last picture shows a jam with 380 case in the tube. To clear the jam, lower the press, unscrew the lower knurled nut and raise the drop tube. INSPECT THE JAMMED CASE!! Note: To improve function some sanding may be required on the edge that the case must fall through. Don't overdo it, I recommend smoothing it out and then test the feeding. I ended up using a Dremel with a sanding wheel and then cleaned it up by hand.