Compucleaner 2.0 replacement nozzle attachments

Compucleaner 2.0 replacement nozzle attachments


Attachments so far: Normal cone nozzle 12 hole nozzle - needs dome supports 90 degree extender arm 45 degree extender arm Wide nose spray 7/24/19 added new wide spray attachment, havent printed yet but should be fine Working on more, throw me ideas if you want anything Supports are only needed for the locking rectangular holes on the sides Nice snug fit, some may need light sanding I just bought a compucleaner 2.0 without attachments for cheap and to my surprise couldn't find a way to get them without purchasing a brand new compucleaner for $60. To my knowledge there are no other 3d models out there either so I made this. I was hoping to make a few bucks off these since you cant find them anywhere unless you buy a new compucleaner, but i decided to share these for free instead. That being said if you like the designs and feel like pitching in a few bucks, it would be extremely appreciated, anything helps.






