1969 Chevy Pickup Truck V1
1969 Chevy Pickup Truck VI Wheelbase 313mm Width at door sill is 195mm Overall width 211mm Overall length 511mm I made this body thinner because I've been printing out airplane bodies at .5mm and they print a lot faster and are lighter. This is 1.3 mm in most areas. The hood is much thicker because I had trouble shelling it. The wheel flares are thicker and should add some structural stability. Good news: It is cut up into very printable bits. Bad news: Lot's of parts to glue up. Possible tip. I've been using superglue on airplane wings and fuselages and it is crazy how fast it sets and how strong the seams are. I'll add a coat of XTC3D to this as well. I'll keep loading bits as I have them. Should work well with my flatbed design too. Maybe print the flatbed at like 105-110% Follow, comment and like 'cause that's the gas that keeps this engine running. -A