Derivative Version 2 of "ANet A6 E3D Titan + V6 Carriage" and other things
This is a much improved version of : - The blower does not hit de commanda button - The design is simpler, has less parts and is more compact (*X_PROBE_OFFSET* is 35 and *Y_PROBE_OFFSET* is just -15). - Two decent part blowers are inclded (the E3D version for E#D nozzles, the LONG version for longer nozzles - 6mm longer) I'be been searching the Thingiverse for a functional carriage for a E3D Titan extruder with a V6 hot-end in an direct drive configuration. All this was assembled on a awesome z-Carriage assemly that I had incorporated into my Anet A6 some time before. This is not by any means an original design, just an humble (and shameless) reuse of someone else's clever designs, i thank their authors for sharing their work.. This design is modular, composed by several interchangeable components. The biggest component is the carriage support..This serves as a base where all other components are mounted. This makes it possble to modify most aspects of the carriage whatout spending too much material. This version include two braces, one for keeping the heat cartridge and thermistor cables in place, the other one may be used to tie the cables with zip ties, at the back of the motor to keeps things tidy. This version was designed to use BL Touch, however is can be easly costumized for any sensor, only the part named "Anet_a6_Titan_BLevel_Touch.stl", needes to be replaced by one that fits the probe being used. In this version the X-Endstop switch is located on the inner part of left side of of the Z-Carriage, for that poupose i made a version of that part with two holes to support the switch. Other related parts from the Z-Carriage, removing the holes that I dont use. I strongly advise yje use the original E3D Titan extruder and hot end, and BL Touch. I regret to say that I used clones (not quite the cheap ones) becuase my budget is very short. They are working beautifully, but being clones i dont feel it is correct to publicize them here. For assembly of the Extruder + Hot end and The BL-Touch, i recomend you follow the instructions on the corresponding sites very carefully. For calibrating the Z-Probe offset i prepared a small tutorial that should work for any kind of probe. You can find it here: