Shield Cell from Apex Legends

Shield Cell from Apex Legends


Occasionally you come across something in a video game that you just have to make youself. This Shield Cell from Apex Legends is roughly to scale(emphasis on roughly) and is very easy to print. I'm very pleased with how it turned out. There is definitely room for improvements on it, and I encourage anyone with better skills to remix it and make it even better! It was made to be a light up display to have next to my computer. So, it doesn't have any special internal mechanisms to make it move smoothly or behave just like it would in-game. I'm sure many of you could come up with something awesome, and I would love to see what you do with it! Thank you for checking it out and I appreciate any feedback you have. (I'm still learning, but having a whole lot of fun doing so.) YouTube Video: If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and I will do my best to help in any way that I can. There are many parts, so it requires some patience with the print time and the final assembly. You will need to glue the inner part together and you'll also need to draw/paint any details you want to add to the design after they are printed. I just used pens and markers to make the designs on the top cap. Number of parts: Shell- 1x Black Rim 1x Top Cap 4x Bolts 1x Middle Cylinder 1x Bottom Cap 1x LED Threaded Tray 1x Tag ID(can leave blank or design or text to it) 2x Side Windows 2x Cut to size Plexiglass sheets (1/16 inch) 35mm wide 103mm long with small notches cut on bottom corners to allow it to insert fully Inner Part- 1x Handle 1x Handle Base 4x Copper Housings 16x Copper Parts 1x Bottom Base







3D Printing