Motorized SMD Reel Loader

Motorized SMD Reel Loader


<blockquote> <p>I needed an easy (and fun) way to refill the Reels for my Pick and Place machine with the bulk SMT parts I buy, so I come up with this Motorized SMD Reel Loader.</p> <h3>Features</h3> <ul> <li>Small footprint.</li> <li>Can handle Reels with up to 7" diameter, easily expandable to handle other diameters.</li> <li>Interchangeable shafts to handle 8mm, 12mm and 16mm Tape Width.</li> <li>Use two push buttons to control the direction of the Reel.</li> <li>Can quickle help refeel your Reel with bulk SMD components.</li> </ul> </blockquote> <blockquote> <h3>Parts</h3> <p>You will need:</p> <ul> <li>1 x <a href="">Arduino Nano.</a></li> <li>1 x <a href="">28BYJ-48 5V 4 Phase DC Gear Stepper Motor+ ULN2003 Driver Board.</a></li> <li>2 x <a href="">Tactile Switch 6x6x6mm.</a></li> <li>2 x <a href="">10K Resistor 1/4 W.</a></li> <li>1 x <a href="">15mm x 40mm DIY Prototype PCB.</a></li> <li>15 x <a href="">624ZZ 4mmx13mmx5mm Ball Bearing.</a></li> <li>1 x 20x20x160 mm profile.</li> <li>2 x 20x20x80 mm profile.</li> <li><a href="">Phillips screws 2-28 x 3/8 BC-0206LPP.</a></li> <li><a href="">3mm x 16mm Socket Head Screws.</a></li> <li><a href="">4mm x 8mm Socket Head Screws.</a></li> <li><a href="">4mm x 16mm Socket Head Screws.</a></li> </ul> </blockquote> <blockquote> <h3>Wiring Notes</h3> <p>The following schematic shows the wiring of the Arduino Nano and the ULN2003 Driver Board with the 28BYJ-48 5V Stepper Motor.</p> <img src="" alt="Arduino Wiring" title="Arduino Wiring" /> <p>I use the Prototype PCB to create the user interface control board, with the dimensions of 15mm x 40mm, then arrange the push buttons and the 10K resistors as shown on the following picture.</p> <img src="" alt="Button arrangement" title="Button arrangement" /> <p>After all compoents are connected, I arrange everithing in side the enclosure_box.stl, (I use hot glue to secure the cables before installing the components on the box) and use the enclosure_arduino_clamp.stl to hold the Arduino Nano and use three Phillips screws (<a href="">2-28 x 3/8 BC-0206LPP</a>) to secure the ULN2003 Driver Board as shon on the picture below, notice the Arduino Nano's pins are facing up.</p> <img src="" alt="Parts Arrangement" title="Parts Arrangementg" /> </blockquote> <blockquote> <h3>Arduino Code</h3> <p>The code I use, to control the steper motor using the ULN2003 and the Arduino Nano is on the file: "Motorized_SMD_Reel_Loader.ino" and can be cutomized to expand the functionality of the Motorized SMD Reel Loader.</p> </blockquote>





