Prusa MK3 low noise fan shroud (40° angle)

Prusa MK3 low noise fan shroud (40° angle)


I discovered that the suction of the hotend cooling fan cools down the left side of the heated bed. I measured differences of about 5 °C between the left and right side. Also I don't like that the angled part cooling fan sucks in more warm air from the heated bed. The existing fan shrouds (I linked as a remix source) didn't satisfy my needs. For example they restrict the airflow too much, which results in noise. Also weight was a factor as I want the extruder as light as possible (yes it's very minor, but every mg counts in my opinion ;D). I also linked vekoj's revised MK3 Extruder, because in my Fusion 360 source file I used the radial fan model from his step files. Also It's the extruder I'm currently using and it works absolutely great! **With Source file** I have added the .f3d source file as I hope more people would add source files to their things. Often I want to modify a thing and having only the .stl file it's more cumbersome than it should be in my opinion. So I don't want anybody to get frustrated when they want to modify my design.



