Dual Drive Extruder reduction ratio 4:1

Dual Drive Extruder reduction ratio 4:1


This is my Dual Drive Extruder project with reduction ratio 4:1 Hi guys, this is my version of dual drive extruder with 4: 1 reduction ratio, this design although it uses gear motor pinion and Bondtech filament traction gear, it is not a copy of BMG Bondtech but it is a redesigned project from scratch with the intent to improve, thanks to a higher reduction ratio, the precision of extrusion and at the same time lighten up a little more the effort of small stepper motor (Pancake). This extruder can be used both in bowden configuration and in direct configuration. components list: 2x M3 screws 35mm (or 30mm with shell for 30mm screws) 3x round head screws M3 30mm 1x M3 screw 12mm 1x M5 screw 25mm hexagonal head 1x Bondtech gear kit consisting of 2 traction filament gears with roller bearings and pin https://it.aliexpress.com/item/4000543978012.html 1x pinion gear 17 teeth for BMG https://it.aliexpress.com/item/32952065790.html 1x screw set with BMG extruder spring https://it.aliexpress.com/item/32961584339.html 2x MR85ZZ ball bearings https://it.aliexpress.com/item/32862242083.html 1x Bowden adapter 1.75MM Connector https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33052536144.html E-Step: 560 steps/mm if you liked my job, show it to me with a like, thanks ;) Happy Pinting Update: v1.5 Fixed Back and Font cover Tested 04.10.2019 100% working good



