40mm fan mounted LED lights

40mm fan mounted LED lights


I wanted a LED light mounted to my fan so I made this to fit a 40mm fan. You'll need longer 3 x 20mm screws. You can wire the light into the hotend fan wires since LEDs draw very little power. My hotend fan says its a 12V DC but please check the actual current before tapping into it, too much voltage will dramatically shorten the life of the LED s and make then HOT, possibly enough to melt the piece and destroy whatever you're printing. On the originals the mounting surface is acceptable for the cut to length LED strips but the fatter LEDs linked below are brighter. The LED surface is 82mm x 20mm or 40mm x 20mm, so buy a 12v LED that will fit those dimensions or get two of these, solder them together then wire to your fan: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071RL4JB7/ref=sspa_dk_detail_6?pd_rd_i=B0716B81LK&th=1 Previously it had a cone in the middle but that made the fan too loud to be practical for my use. Added a second version with a velocity stack to s00p it up and make it look faster! Bald eagles will fly out of it and screech feedom and horsepower into your face!!!! This thing was made with Tinkercad. Edit it online https://www.tinkercad.com/things/2EPfb8iwZ5P







3D Printing