StepFish: fischertechnik I2C stepper motor controller

StepFish: fischertechnik I2C stepper motor controller


StepFish is a stepper motor controller for the [fischertechnik construction toy system]( based on an ATmega328 microprocessor. It can be used as a standalone controller (and I2C master) or as an I2C slave. Hardware features: * __up to four steppers__ driven by [StepStick]([Pololu]( or compatible carrier boards (e.g. A4988), connected via pin headers. Make sure to limit the carrier boards' current (see below). * fischertechnik compatible connectors for __two active low endstops__ per stepper axis * __three PWM pins__ for custom uses like servos, LEDs, or interrupt pins in I2C slave mode * __I2C connector__ compatible with the [ftDuino]( and fischertechnik TX controllers. * __serial connector__ for programming or monitoring the ATmega328 with [this kind of USB-serial/TTL/FTDI adapter]( * fischertechnik compatible connectors for __5V in__ (chip logic) and __stepper motor power__. A DC-DC step-down 5V converter [like this one]( can be added to the enclosure internally if you want to power the controller from the motor pins only. * print-in-place __reset button__ * Two __status LEDs__ for 5V (on) and stepper motor power. The ZIP-file contains fritzing, gerber and PDF files for producing the one-sided PCB, which uses my printed flush sleeve design ("[Printbuchse](") for the fischertechnik typical 2.6mm jacks. Soldering is a bit tricky, as the connector pins are placed at the bottom of the PCB. If you are interested in building one yourself, please message me, or leave a comment, and I will provide details. __Warning__: Make sure to limit your carrier boards' current as described e.g. [here]( or [here]( or [here]( My enclosure provides access to the carrier boards' potentiometers from the bottom, use an alligator clip attached to your screwdriver and one of the GND-pins for measurement. At the moment, StepFish can only be used as a standalone controller, or with your own I2C-firmware, as the StepFish firmware is still under development. StepFish firmware will be based on the AccelStepper library, basically offering an I2C-wrapper to provide AccelStepper functionality over I2C, with additional endstop configuration and optional servo/interrupt functionality. Please consider leaving a "like" or posting your make as a token of appreciation for my work. Find my other fischertechnik designs [here]( keywords: fischertechnik I2C print-in-place Printbuchse printinplace Servo stepper_motor TWI






