Compact Fixed Front Sight for Picattiny very strong with fiber light

Compact Fixed Front Sight for Picattiny very strong with fiber light


Compact AR10 or AR15 picattiny rail mounted front sight had passed some pretty severe testing and ready to be used in your airsoft (and not only) sport activities - Recommended for HMR competition with AK or Dioptric rear sights. - Height is 37mm from Picattiny rail top. - Print with PLA+ using 0.3mm nozzle and 0.1mm layer height for better performance. - Max setup is 0.5mm nozzle, 0.3mm layer height. At least 5 layers perimeter! Cherry point of this thing: Thing Design uses patent pending range switching technique. On short and very long distance you aim with the light filament centered. Medium distance (50-100yards) you aim by assuming that projectile will land to the top of the the spike pin. This 3D design is for non commercial replication and sports only!!! Commercial replication is forbidden. Military application, law enforcement and hunting use are strictly prohibited. This design had passed 1000+ .308 rounds test with AR10 platform. It will hold the recoil, but avoid striking it from the top. Designer, replicators and advisers may not bare any legal responsibility for any injuries, material damage or psychological effects caused by this design. User must acknowledge that this 3D design may have uncovered problems and flaws which can cause issues in the future as materialized item ages and suffers mechanical, chemical and other destructive effects.



