Raspberry Pi 19" server mount
<h1>Raspberry Pi Server mount on 19" Tray</h1> <p> You can put 2 Raspberrys with OLED Stats Display, SSD and a Power Supply Unit in a 19" 1U 150mm Server Tray, or just 3 Raspberrys. </p> <h3>Instructions</h3> <p> Part 1 and 2 will be glued together. Screw the Raspberry Pi in part 1. <br> Part 1 and 2 will be screwed to the tray. <br> If you want to install a SSD you need part 7, aswell as part 8 for the USB to SATA adapter. <br> Glue part 3 and 5 to part 4. Mount the LEDs to part 6 and screw it in to part 3 and 5. <br> The OLED is connected via i2c to the GPIO of the Raspberry Pi. <br> There are 2 leds for ACT and PWR and a button to shut down the Pi. <br> </p> <h3>Links</h3> 19" tray: https://www.amazon.de/Intellinet-Fachboden-Frontmontage-Profilschienen-712491/dp/B00NW49LE2 Power Supply: https://www.amazon.de/Mean-LRS-50-5-Netzteil-Ultraflach-Einbau-Metallgeh%C3%A4use/dp/B07G2FD4K2/ USB SATA Adapter: https://www.amazon.de/Renkforce-Raspberry-USB-SATA-KONVERTER/dp/B0107X4U0A/ OLED Display: https://www.amazon.de/AZDelivery-Display-Arduino-Raspberry-gratis/dp/B074N9VLZX/ Software for the OLED: https://github.com/David-Ka/Pi_stats_OLED