ROBOTECH Inherit the Stars Garudan Dream Gates RRT Strategy GAME PIECES
ROBOTECH Inherit the Stars Garudan Dream Gates RRT Strategy GAME PIECES - These are Abandoned Places (?) left behind by what is believed to be the Garudan Race related to their spiritual beliefs. Controlling all 3 Dream Gates allows the player to unlock Telepathy Research and Development allowing on the Strategic Board a player to counter "Hit" rolls in Fleet battles. On a 5 or 6 the ship was able to predict and evade the enemy weapon fire. Paranoid Protoculture Pool- If the Player has the Paranoid Protoculture Pool their ships can evade attacks on a 4, 5 or 6. SARG RPG NOTES: What are these.... In Sarg's Robotech RPG these items are: The Garudans are not known for their ability to build complex space ship and travel the Local Group. However, their are sites on many planets that suggest at one time the Garudans may have done just that. Game Guide Track- The Garudan Open Air Tukdams are places where Garudan Monks go to meditate and search deep within themselves. In some cases the monk is spirited away and goes on a Dreaming. According to lore Garudan monks find themselves living a completely different life (especially Cat or Fox like bodies) on other worlds fully capable of interacting with it and even dying from violence or old age before returning. 1- Green Rock Tukdam - Built over a site made by Giants according to legend. The site grows Green Crystals that hum. A Rock listening post (circle stone) was placed so a Monk while meditating could listen for wild-lings, or the local village to detect when something is amiss (and answer prayers). The circle stone also helps project a voice and is used when calling on spirits of the old world. 2- Skyword Tukdam Mesa- On top of Skyward Mesa is a constructed a stone open air temple. On each stone is a lesson the Monk needs to study on their Journey. The most important lesson to meditate on is finding or calling your spirit guide from the Dreaming. 3- Power Tukdam Mesa- On top of the Powers Mesa are 5 Stone Pillars with inscribed lessons about universal spiritual powers to meditated on and spirit abilities. All five of these source powers are collected and reflected in one personality. Indirect Anime reference: Aria Strategic Game Pieces: 1) Strategic Game Pieces can be captured to gain their abilities. 2) Strategic Game Pieces can not be destroyed. 3) Strategic Game Pieces do not move. ROBOTECH INTER-COLONY WAR RRT Objective is to control Resources and starve enemy (political groups/aliens) fleets out of existence. RESOURCE GAINS (Default) HOME World – Priceless (Gain 10RP) (Feature: Production Start Point) Mobile Fortress – RP 5 (Feature: Production Start Point) Planet – RP 5 Asteroid Belt – RP 3 (Terrain: Chunks of rock floating in space) Drift – RP 3 (Terrain: Space Ship Wreckage) RUINS- RP1 plus a special property (Terrian: Ruins must be placed on the board.) STRATEGY BOARD SETUP: Each player takes turns placing 1 Planet Token in a Sector. Once the Planet Solar systems are layed out each player takes turns placing 1 ruin or artifact token in each sector. These tokens can not be moved after being placed even when captured. A maxium of 20 Ruin and Artifact Tokens can be layed down leaving 4 SECTORS of dead space. 1) SOLAR SYSTEMS: a. Fantoma (TERRIAN: Grasslands, rolling hills, rivers, and lakes.) b. Burning World (TERRIAN: Ruins, craters, and wastelands. Chance of overheating critical failure.) c. Desert World (TERRIAN: Rocky Desert terrian and natural sand traps.) d. Carbonara 8RP: (TERRIAN: Heavy Forest terrian. Neutral Party: Bearmen.) e. Praxis 10RP: (TERRIAN: Heavy Jungle and anchient ruins terrian. Mobility Kill Booby traps. Neutral Party: Amazons. ) f. Garudan 8RP: (TERRIAN: Rocky, magma rivers, and volcanic terrian. Deadly underground lava streams that can not support the wieght of a mecha. Neutral Party: Garudan Wildlings.) g. Elysian, Independant Colonies (TERRIAN: Dome Colony and wasteland terrian.) h. Dead World (TERRIAN: Craters and Wastelands.) i. Water World (TERRIAN: Submerged continent terrian. Neutral Party: Hunger Large fish and octupus.) j. Jungle World 10RP: (TERRIAN: Large ant mounds and interwoven tree canopy terrian. Vegitation entanglement problem. Neutral Party: Large Insects.) 2) RUIN MARKERS and ARTIFACT TOKENS a. 5 Robotechnology RUINS 1- Alien Research Station: Player may substitute 1 Ruin or Artifact to make an R&D combination. With ELYSIUM the player may substitute for 2 RUINs or ARTIFACTS or make 1 level 2 ability. 2- TERRAFORMING MACHINE: All planets occupied by this player become resourcefull at 10RP each. 3- ELYSIUM SELF AWARE SUPER COMPUTER: By itself the computer is a novel concept. (Please note in the RPG this is also the weakness CODE NAME: CATTY) 4- GALLANT PIONEER CITY RUINS: All Fleets are capable of self restoration. After a Fleet is Hit during an attack roll a 3 to 6 on a 6d and the Fleet remains in play do to automated self repairs. GALLANT PIONEER CITY RUINS with ELYSIUM doubles each occupied planets RESOURCE POINT value. Thus, a planet like Carbonara would now be worth 16RP. 5- POOL of LIFE: The POOL of LIFE is an ENERGY SOURCE and allows FLEETS to move +1 Sector and reduces ARMY's logistical cost by 1/2 when Mobilized. The POOL of LIFE with GALLANT PIONEER CITY RUINS allows for CLONING of LIFEFORMS. ARMIES even if defeated are never lost. A defeated army is simply restocked for the next Strategic turn (RP's are not lost) and the Fleet remains in play. b. Alien Races Technologies 3 Peryton Golden Tribe Ruins 3 Spheris Crystals 3 Garudan Dream Gates c. Remains of an Evil Past 3 Drift Markers (Terrain: Space Ship Wreckage) 3 Asteroid Tokens (Terrain: Chunks of rock floating in space) d. Mystery (Optional: If all 3 Mystery artifacts are collected the player automatically wins.) 1 Bird Human Forebearer Race Ruins. 1 Peryton Golden Tribe Phantom Planet. 1 The Artifact. FLEET OPERATIONS: 1) Mother/Mobile Fortesss - There only can be one. This unit functions as a Resource Collector, Factory, Command and Control, Research and Development, as well as a storage facility. It takes 10RP to operate. 2) Faster Then Light (AKA Galactic Drive/FTL)- FTL Fleets can explore past a local star system and are designed for Deep Space Exploration or Domination. FTL fleets take 5 RP to operate. 3) Star Drive (Solar System Travel only)- Star Drive Fleets can not explore past their local Star Groups. They do not have the capacity for deep space travel. A SD takes 3 RP to operate. 4) Terrain Marker- ARMY UNITS RP: A garrison can be left on any terrain or planet marker. These indicate the Mobilization Pool in that Region. Remember 1 Resource Point (RP) equals 100 Mobilization Points. A) ARMY OPERATIONS: 1RP = 100 Mobilization Points When fighting over a Planet or Terrian other then a Fleet Battle in Open Space the Resource Points of the Fleet used in operation become the Ground Forces Mobilization Points. Thus, a fleet of 2 FTL is equal to 10RP or 1000 Mobilization Points. ARMIES ARE DEPLOYED when terrian Features in the SECTOR need cleared like an Asteroid Belt, Drift, or Solar System/Planet. a. ARMY OPERATIONS on PLANETS (RRT): Defender Sets up the board. Attacker decides what side he/she wants to approach the objective. Mobilization Points (1RP=100MP) governs the resources that can be purchased in an Army. Winner gains RP of Terrain, control over Ruin Markers and abilities, and may return to the fleet or be left in a Garrison (RP tokens placed). Defeated Armies also remove the fleet marker because the fleet is now combat ineffective. B) FLEETS IN/OUT of OPERATIONAL STATUS: You only can have as many fleet in operation as your Resource Points allow. If by the end of a turn you no longer can support a fleet they must be retired. Thus, if your Resource Pool was 15 and you had a Mothership and 1 FTL and you loose control of a Planet (-5RP) by the end of that turn you must retire the FTL Fleet. C) FLEET DEEP SPACE BATTLES: In DEEP SPACE FLEET BATTLES small space craft are not launched because they give no manuevering benifit and become a liability to recover. a. For each class of ship present in a SECTOR roll d6. If the Attack Roll is made then the enemy decide what is to be removed. Thus, 3 FTL would roll 3d6 and Hits are recorded if a 5 or 6 is rolled. The following ar d6 rolls. Mothership: Attack 3-6. HIT POINTS 3. FTL: Attack 5-6 SD: Attack 5-6 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (COMBINATIONS): Combinations must be announced at the beginning of the Strategic Turn. FTL Rated (Upgrade to Fold) - When the Golden Tribe Ruins and Spheris Artifacts or Garudan Gate are recovered FOLD Technology is achieved. LEVEL 3 R&D 1 Golden Tribe Ruins with 1 Spheris Artifact and 1 Garudan Gate - Fold tech is perfect. The player can move Fleets ignoring all the rules and pathways of the game board. LEVEL 2 R&D 1 Golden Tribe Ruins with 1 Spheris Artifact – FTL/Warping drive can move 3 spaces and ignore blocking enemies. 1 Golden Tribe Ruins with 1 Garudan Gate – Fold system is imperfect. When moving a unit via Fold roll a d6. If a 1 or 2 is rolled that unit can not move this turn. If a successful roll the fleet maybe placed anywhere on the Strategy map. 1 Garudan Gate with 1 Spheris Artifact - Planets are now connected by Dimensional Gateways. Mobilization Pools now include garrisons on other planets. This also is to be applied to the Mothership which now becomes a Super Dimensional Fortress. LEVEL 1 R&D 1 Garudan Gate- By itself...its worthless. (RPG Note: unless your a Garudan monk doing a Dreaming). 1 Spheris Artifact- +1 Attack All Fleet Units. 1 Golden Tribe Ruins- All SD Units are capable of FTL movements.