Retraction Tuning with PrusaSlicer

Retraction Tuning with PrusaSlicer


<h1>General Information</h1> The included .3mf file can be opened with the latest PrusaSlicer release ( and modified for your hardware configuration in order to create retraction tuning gcode that is quick and effective at finely tuning retraction settings. I've also included the raw STL file for use with other slicing software. This calibration procedure is intended for use with an 80-90% tuned PrusaSlicer profile, wherein the extrusion multiplier, extrusion temperature, linear advance k factor and speeds are pretty well calibrated already. This test is to help round out the profile with proper retraction distance and speed. You can also use this test to play with fan settings, including tuning auto-cooling min layer times. <h1>Instructions</h1> - Click on [ File > Open Project... ] and find/open the "Retraction_tuning.3mf" file - The slicing configuration includes 9 extruders [ set via 'Printer Settings' tab > General > Capabilities > Extruders: ] (See pictures for reference) - Each extruder is accessible for custom configuration of retraction settings [ set via 'Printer Settings' tab > Extruder 1, Extruder 2, Extruder 3, etc ] (See pictures for reference) - Back on the 'Plater' tab, you'll see that each retraction tower STL is configured to print with a different extruder in sequential order around the build plate (See pictures for reference) You should take the time to familiarize yourself with how the project is configured with the various extruders, then load your own custom profile with the appropriately tuned settings for your machine (NOTE the .3mf file I've shared here is set up for a 0.8mm nozzle) and reconfigure the extruders accordingly. The retraction tower STL's should automatically reassign themselves to whatever extruder they had before the config change, and you can adjust the retraction settings as you see fit before slicing. **NOTE - Pay attention to what is entered under [ 'Printer Settings' tab > Extruder "X" > Retraction when tool is disabled (advanced setting for multi-extruder setups) ]. This setting is 4mm by default, and it will force the extruder to retract by 4mm between each part as it changes from one extruder to another. This will ruin your test. Make sure it is set to zero! (See pictures for reference)



