Generic Trim Wheel
Developed as a side project of 737 yoke hat switch inset (available here), because I wanted to use Arduino's spare pins for a trim wheel, additional rotary switches and buttons. I was never satisfied with Saitek Cessna trim wheel, so I decided to do it in more simple but also more functional (at least for my taste and needs) manner. In my simplified and generic cockpit, I lacked also 737 EFIS minimums rotary and opted to add two such switches with buttons and an additional button as I had enough place on the case. The specific outline of the casing follows GoFlight TQ6 throttles, which are positioned to the right of the trim wheel. The wheel itself was designed by AlbEagle ( and I printed it and used it as it was. Three holes were later drilled into the casing, 8mm in diameter at the bottom for the wiring and 2x 3mm at the back for mounting. Rotary enocders used: Momentary Push Button used: Arduino Leonardo was used with the sketch tailored and modified from joystick library and gamepad example.