Anet A8 Z-Axis Lead Screw Stabilizers

Anet A8 Z-Axis Lead Screw Stabilizers


The Anet-A8 performs wells above it price but requires quite a few additions to use it reliably. My main improvement was made by printing a Z-Stop adjuster and choosing lighter toothed belts. While I have also added quite a few other 'improvements' these were the most important. However this improvement will literally tidy a couple of loose ends. The top ends of the Z-Axis lead screws always looked unfinished. This addition here, Z-Axis lead screw stabilizers, maybe more to do with aesthetics than a provable improvement, but is low cost and looks the part. Simply print the mirror pair and push in the bearings and mount on the acrylic frame of the A8 using the existing bolt holes and smooth track (red circles). Longer bolts will be necessary, but I found extras supplied with the kit that worked just fine. The mounting bolts around the brass lead nuts (green circles) on the X-Axis frames that run on the Z-Axis lead screws should be loosened and allowed to realign with the (new) positions of the lead screws and retightened to avoid binding. Parts: ZZMR148 Deep Groove Ball Bearings (14mm OD, 8mm Bore Diameter)



