Robotech Zentraedi Shuttle or Barony Dropship

Robotech Zentraedi Shuttle or Barony Dropship


Robotech Zentraedi Shuttle also used by Baronies after the Great Disaster to move Mecha or salvage. Shuttle height is about 80mm (ish). This is a 3D Model I am using with my Robotech RPG game in Astrosynthesis as Zentraedi Cargo or Barony Cargo shipping. If used with Astrosynthesis the Space ship should be converted back to a .DAE file. You must follow the file format correctly or you will not be able to see the ship in Astrosynthesis. How to use astrosynthesis in an RPG? The Game Guide sets up the map and hides information, images, intelligence, and clues within the 3d program. Only the Captain is allowed to access the system for a maximum of 15 minutes. Once the Captain is done the adventure is drawn up between the Captain of the ship and his/her mission and what the Game Guide has going on. In this manor the Captain has to make decisions, come up with a plan, and have his/her team execute it. Use your Sandor Machine to print this ;)






