LEGO Duplo tracks
LEGO Duplo compatible tracks rails. This "thing" contain files with: 1) regular tracks with & without antiwarp parts (must be cut) straight, straight-half, curved, switch (+part2), end 2) my special FLAT design to save filament and printing time straight, straight-half, curved, switch (+part2), end 3) adapter "from regular to FLAT" 4) 19mm level-up track straight, curved-left, curved-right 5) platform & build plates (beta version) 6) crossing (beta version) Tested with ABS & PLA, 0.4 - 0.5mm nozzle, 0,25mm layer height, 10-25% infill... Some files are X&Y axis scaled up by 100,6%. It is my tested final ABS shrinkage factor. I'm printing with 210-220°C nozzle / 100°C bed. Not scaled files are intended to non-shrinking materials like PLA. Small parts do not need this little correction. 2020.01 update: 0.7mm fillets on edges (except 19mm level-up tracks & switches) new "FLAT_straight_long" track 2020.09 update: FreeCAD files & info text files with my notes (it makes FCStd files more useful, but both Freecad and my skills has limitations)