10w QI Fast Wireless Charging Pad for $5

10w QI Fast Wireless Charging Pad for $5


I recently purchased a 10w QI fast charger for my cell phone. I thought, it would probably be easy, and MUCH CHEAPER, if I made it myself. Also, I could do cool shapes and designs (Game of Thrones, coming soon) but I needed a starting point. So here is a base version of my wireless charger in a basic circle shape. What was amazing is that I found the 10W QI fast chargers from AliExpress for around $5 shipped to the US. So order up as many as you want from the link below, and then use my design as the basis for your imagination. I'm currently printing one with translucent filament on my dual extruder printer with a custom top. So when the Cell phone is on top the light shines thru from the charger. I'll post updated pictures as I continue to customize more wireless charging pad shapes. I've included a picture of the design iterations of the base that I went thru. I finally landed on a base where the QI module would sit in perfectly. I also included a picture of a translucent top I printed for a smaller version of the base just so you get an idea of what you can do with the translucent materials. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/High-Quality-Standard-10W-Qi-Fast-Wireless-Charger-Module-Transmitter-PCBA-Circuit-Board-Coil-DIY-Charging/32958698546.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.616f4c4dTZ9Kll NOTE: This literally is plug and play to build. You don't need any electronic experience. The module sits perfectly in the base and then you just push the top on and your done. Update 7-18-19: Added Tron Charger Cover for those interested







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