Organic Chess Set

Organic Chess Set


This chess set draws inspiration from classical Staunton style pieces but redesigned into forms that can only be rendered through 3-d printing. This set includes the most current iteration of the queen. This model incorporates printability and aesthetic improvements over the one shown in the group photos. I have scaled the files to fit a 12"x12" board (see dimensions below). They can be scaled up or down as needed. The black and white individual pieces are printed at 200% scale. Enlarging the pieces brings out detail but significantly increases print time. Even if you don't have time or filament to prints full set, the pieces have overhangs and other features that make for great bench tests. Please remember to "Like" and if you print a set or even individual pieces please post photos of your prints. Enjoy and keep your filament dry. Size of Pieces Standard (Medium Set) Height Metric Inches Pawn 41mm 1.6" Bishop 60mm 2.3" Knight 50mm 2.0" Queen 70mm 2.8" Rook 50mm 2.0" King 71mm 2.8" Joel the 3d Printing nerd recently featured this chess set in a video. Check out his video for a cool approach to making a chess board with the assist of a laser cutter.






