Customizable Remix of 12-Cent Spinning Top

Customizable Remix of 12-Cent Spinning Top


This spinning top that neilgavigan created is probably the longest spinning top I have tried. I wanted to play with other coins & maybe some washers, so I reworked it in openscad. You can customize this spinner with most any disc shaped object by adjusting a minimum of 3 variables. **Qty** = 12; //How Many Coins to place around circle **C_OD** = 19.3; //Actual diameter measures 19.02, add a little for clearance **C_Thk** = 1.50; //Thickness of coin. I subtracted .16mm to match original The cutout for the coin slots is 2 cuts, one flat & one rotated a little for angled overhang I used a couple of simple trig equations to calculate the actual diameter of the coins & added a screen capture of that graphically in case anyone is interested in that. The horizontal holes on the outside are to make it easier to knock the coins out if that design does not work. I used a small allen wrench to eject the nickels. I also made an openscad file for the tip & the launcher, but not much changes there at the moment. The tip I made for a better fit using my printer & the launcher I made an option for a tripod mount to keep the spinner straighter during launch. Not sure the tripod makes much difference. I also made the length of the launcher variable. While adjusting this design in openscad, you might want to change the **ires = 4** variable to speed up the rendering. Thanks to neilgavigan for this design & hope this makes the spinner more useful to others that do not have pennies. This program displays a few of the calculated variables when it is run & the **Spinner _OD** will tell you overal diameter of the part. A couple of things I might play with next on this design is to make some more interesting cutouts between the coins & middle spindle & try making the spindle thicker. Having those coin cuts at an angle into the plastic might be interesting & also would get rid of the bridge printing, but that might cut the spin time with more drag. I used a piece of rawhide shoe lace for the string pull as it was easier to use than the small thread or beading wire I tried. I will also combine these 3 openscad files into one file so I won't have to change variables in two places that are related to the . My spins are usually around 2:30 for either the pennies or nickels & a smoother surface makes a difference. Think I got about 3:30 minutes one time on the original design.





