Universal Controller Holder for Skadis (SKÅDIS) Pegboard
Here's another modification I've done to be compatible with the Skadis Pegboard! The easiest was putting the hook on. The hardest was making sure every controller I had was fully compatible. I used the modified ps4 controller holder as a base, but I added a few things: - Added a few more circular recesses near the thumbsticks since I use an aftermarket pair of thumbsticks and they would be pushed up. With these added, it has enough space to be clear. - Added circular recesses at the back, so you are able to place it _just_ in the corner if you would like. - Added a cut in the middle of the holder, so it has enough space to hold a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller more comfortably, since it would be prone to slip out with the previous design. **You should print this sideways, since it'll have the most strength** I wouldn't trust the hooks to work too well if printed normally. Sure, you'll use up a bit of filament for supports, but it'll be a better print. Printed in PLA. The filament I used was "PrimaValue PLA White" (Amazon affiliate link): https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B013IHXBSE/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&psc=1&linkCode=sl1&tag=umar167-21&linkId=0b32cfbfa134ff977ea08f9a7c63c9f2&language=en_GB