Solar WiFi Weather Station V2.1

Solar WiFi Weather Station V2.1


Remix of the work of OpenGreenEnergy. Authors of the base code: Keith Hungerford and Debasish Dutta - Excellent work, gentlemen! I really like the board you have designed. Edit: Due to many questions: You need to place/hang it into the shade (e.g. not into direct sunlight and not into the dark). Update frequency should be set to 10 minutes (default settings), that is by far enough to recharge even on bad days. UPDATE: 15-05-2019 Included ZAMBRETTI Forecaster (multilingual) to the Arduino code. --> BAM! Now it makes even more sense to build this thing! Check here for the updated Arduino code (V2.32 currently): This weather station provides short term forecast in words (4-6 hours) using the famous Zambretti forecast model and all kind of weather data using the BME280 sensor: - 4-6 hour forecast in words - trend in words - temperature - dewpoint - dewpoint spread - heat index - humidity - absolute pressure - relative pressure - battery (V) Major changes: - redesigned box - simplified printing - all things snap in - no screws needed (please note: the sizes of the solar modules coming from China are not very precise - simply use a wet sandpaper (1000) to correct inaccurate pieces) - less plastic usage - side and top mounting holes (can be cut off easily) - simplified, restructured Arduino code (used Adafruit libraries for BME280 instead) - added relative pressure, dewpoint, dewpoint spread and heatindex calculations - allow Blynk, ThingSpeak and MQTT publishing (--> see example screens with Blynk (iOS), Thingview (iOS) and Mosquitto/Node-Red Dashboard running on a Pi) - ZAMBRETTI forecaster (multilingual) Enjoy!






