SawHelp for shortening bolts and machinescrews, useable calibrationcube

SawHelp for shortening bolts and machinescrews, useable calibrationcube


Shortening machine screws and bolts is a sore task, especially fastening them securely in a vise. This very simple, cheap and customizable thingy can ease the burden :) As a bonus, measuring the desired length and filing is also a lot easier. It is a simple design but it works great. You need two of them to make it work. I advice a lower and a higher cube to make the fastening easier (see pictures and STL's). For each piece you need a fitting nut. It is customizable but STL's for M3, M4, M5 and M6 are included. As a second bonus you can use them as calibration cubes and use them afterwards (measurements of STL's in filename). Tips: - Make the nut-size a little smaller for a tight fit (customizer) - Don't make the threadhole too narrow (customizer), strength comes from nut. - Print them with 4 or 5 walls, top and bottom. PLA works fine. - You can use leftover filament, these are small prints. - Press the nut in with your vise, use a screwed in bolt to press them just a little more. - If the nut is too loose, use some glue. Too tight, heat up the nut and press it in. Happy shortening :) PS. It works in the Thingiverse Customizer. If it has a bad day, you can always use OpenScad, it is free and has a built-in customizer. Look for more tools and the like here: More information about the fantastic and challenging program OpenScad can be found here:






