Robotech Masters Gister' dohl Legionnaire Commander Red Bioroid set1 (3 units)
Robotech Master Commander Red Bioroid set 1 (3 units: 1 rider, 1 punching, 1 support by fire). OPTIONAL RULES: No Critical Hits: Red Bioroids can not take critical hits because of Robotechnology. Even with a Limb blown off the mecha can still manipulate objects and is designed to hop thus Mobility kills do not work on this mecha. Self Restoration: Red Bioroids not destroyed by explosives have 2 chances to roll a reactivation on their own because of Robotechnology. The Player must roll a Natural "5 or 6" to reactivate a Red Bioroid knocked out by Hand to Hand (except "Invid" H&H...), Kinetic Rounds, or Laser fire. Bioroid does not heal it reactivates with 1 Hitpoint. Unit stands about 19~21mm. They should fit on a 20mm disc