handles for foron gas stove

handles for foron gas stove


# Printed handles for Foron gas stove In general some handles for gas stoves are already published. None of those seem to fit Foron gas stoves. Therefore I constructed handles for this stove. They are plugged onto the contoll rods and hold fixed with some additional metal springs. The scale for the backing control is printed on some aluminium, which can be fixed to the handle by too metal pices. I just transferred it to the new handle. ## OpenSCAD construction files The OpenSCAD construction files of the designs can be found on github.com. <https://github.com/gnibeil/3D-Design-household-parts> ## Design and thoughts At my stove there are two different types of handles. One for the regular cooking flames and one for the backing. The cooking handle has mainly to fit the dimensions of the control rod and of the metal spring to fix it. The rest could in principle be designed as one wishes. The presented design is very easy and close to the original design. In case of the backing control one has to answer the question if one wants to keep the scale from the original handle. If yes the dimensions for that have to be kept as well. My design does so. By transferring the aluminium part from the old to the new handle one probably wants to clean the aluminium part. By careful because it could easily happen, that you also remove the numbers on the aluminium. I rewrote them with a permanent marker. To make the handles easier cleanable I sprayed a bit of transparent varnish on them, before the installation. ## Printing I printed the handles withg the "good" side towards the heat bed. Thereby one has to use supports, which would be the case in either direction. This can be removed without any problem after printing. ## Heat - problem ? In an stove one has to think about, how hot the handle will become? This directly influences the choice of material. For my foron stove I could tell, that the heat distribution is not as I first expected. I expected that the hottest air would come out of the upper slit of the backing opening. In fact if the backing is switched on the hot air is coming out of the holes directly behind the handles, where the control rods leave the frame of the stove. Therefore, I suggest not to use materials with low melting temperature.



