Motorized Strandbeest Remix
Not sure I'm the first to motorize this, but here is my take on it. I used some salvaged ink jet 12 volt DC motors. I realize I am not using the full potential of speed with a 9 volt battery running in parallel, but don't feel like adding another battery and involving a resistor. I uploaded the bracket more for demonstration. If you attempt this project, you'll most likely have to make your own version (unless you can find the exact width sized motors.). I ran both DC motors in opposite directions so the Strandbeest could move in one direction. I did try this version with one motor, but it was too heavy on one side and would not turn. Adding 2 nearly identical motors, one to each side, distributes the weight and provides more than enough force to get this thing running on land autonomously. I tried to take as many photos from as many positions as I could so you could see how I made this, but if it's not enough, fell free to leave a comment or note. If you want to see it in action, check out my instagram (public) at : _thehobbiest (starts with underscore). Much appreciation to ZRex and Snelon for the original files and remixes.