Single Cell 18650 Powerbank casing
Since I had a few of those giant giveaway powerbanks laying around and needed some smaller ones for an upcoming project, I decided to design a small casing for them. The resistor you see in some pictures has a value of 1 Megaohm and pulls both datalines to the battery voltage so that it can be read by an arduino. If you also want to do this, don't connect the battery straight to the datalines!! USB is 3,3V logic, using 4,1V in the worst case directly, will damage devices!!! In my project I connected the +5V wire to the arduino Vin pin, ground to ground, and one dataline to an analog in. (You can't read the voltage via the inbuilt socket). If you want to mod my design I also uploaded the FCStd file for FreeCad 0.17, 0.16 will display only garbage.