Catan - cloth for catan tokens
new design of the the cloth for catan number tokens for the middle fields. idea is based on Dakanzla's idea and added the version for 5-6 players. 5-6 Player tokens are labeled with a star on the back it is a 3 layer design with possibility to manual change the colors for multi color tokens. Idea is to start with white for the downside, then use black and at the end white again 0 - 0.8mm white 0.8 - 2.2mm black 2.2 - 3.0mm white manual filament change with this code and beeps. ;Pause for manual filament change G0 Z20; go to Z20 M300 P500 S5000 G4 P400; beep G0 X0 Y0; go to X0 YO G4 P15000; wait 15s M300 P200 S2000 G4 p200 M300 P200 S2250 G4 P200 M300 P200 S2000 G4 P200 M300 P200 S3000 G4 P200 M300 P250 S2500 G4 P200 M300 P350 S2000 G4 P200 M300 P350 S2500 G4 P300 M300 P250 S3700 G4 P200 M300 P300 S3500 G4 P15000; wait 15s G4 P15000; wait 15s G4 P15000; wait 15s M300 P500 S5000 G4 P400 M300 P500 S5000 G4 P400 M300 P500 S5000 G4 P400 G4 P15000; wait 15s G0 Z1; go to Z1 ------for second color change I changed this to Z3 to reduce the movement before the printing continues M300 P500 S5000 G4 P400; beep ;End Pause for manual filament change Just add this code between the layers and your printer will make a break. the break is limitied by time. YOU STILL HAVE TO PRESS THE PAUSE AND LATER RESUME BUTTOM ON THE TOUCH PANEL. be careful how Cura is setting the layer count. Might start at 0, might start at 1 refer to: