Fantasy Wargame Terrain - Clue Marker Objectives

Fantasy Wargame Terrain - Clue Marker Objectives


These models were created with the generous support of my patrons on Patreon. You can join the fun at to get advance access, free models, and support a quickly growing collection of tabletop models. Higher tiers can also participate in polling, and suggest future projects. I started playing the game Rangers of Shadow Deep from the author of Frostgrave, which is a great solo/co-op tabletop skirmish game. In addition to treasure tokens I needed to have Clue Marker/Tokens for certain objectives. I modified one of my treasure token models to create this, and added some additional elements. The top features a Question Mark embedded in the wood grain, and was inspired by a Wyloch video to add a way to tell them apart if you need. The number of skulls present on the base is the number of the clue. One skull = clue #1, 4 skulls = Clue #4. Rangers doesn't need to have the numbers, but I figured it would give some variety, and make them more useful for other games potentially. I have quite a few models available for table wargaming, just check below. I put a lot of time into making these models, so if you're inclined a TIP wouldn't hurt. If you'd like to purchase a print of this, you can check here are FunBoardGames on Etsy who is the only authorized vendor of these printed models. If the models aren't up on his site just shoot him an email with a request, he is usually pretty quick to respond. I've created a lot of other wargaming terrain for you to download and enjoy: Fantasy Wargame Terrain - Star Wars Legion/Sci Fi - Gaslands -






