1s xt30 lipo, 6 way balance case
This thing was made with Tinkercad. Edit it online https://www.tinkercad.com/things/lDzRp12pGo4 hello, first time designer here. i made a thing for my 1s (450/550 mAh) lipos with xt30 connectors. i made it so i can series charge 6x 1s lipos. you can plug it into your charger via xt60 connection, and also made it possible to support and hold a 6s balance connector. tolerances for the xt30/60 and the balance plug is .2 mm. i have not yet tried this and i hope i get to soon. this is my idea for a problem i face, exposed wires and a poor look to balance charging my 1s lipos. i have two versions of this design. this can support switches while the other is just basic. the switches are meant to bridge the connections between occupied xt30s and empty ones to complete the circuit. the switches im gonna use are found on radioshack's website. they are 30Vdc/0.5A SPST sub mini slide switches. part number 275-0032. give it a try and let me know how it works. ill find out shortly.