Minimü DIY Anime Doll
Consider this a major upgrade to my MiniMusume body! Designed for customization, you will need Mesh Mixer to pull individual STLs to print as-is. This version allows for screw joints (I use 3/16" 1-72 ), removeable faceplates, and overall more refined proportions. You will need: 4x 3/16" 1-72 screws A pin vice with a 1.75mm,a 2mm, and a 3mm bit 5 copies of the doubleball joint The tolerance between the head parts and all the peg holes is .0015mm, the tolerance between the balljoints and the sockets is .005". I have printed these parts with my Form 2 but you should be able to print on an FDM printer with some additional sanding at the .0015" connections. The back and holdyhands support 3mm pegs.