Z-axis mechanical probe

Z-axis mechanical probe


WORK IN PROGRESS!! Last night I was looking for automatic bed leveling and came across video on YouTube about testing micro-switches and I was surprised how accurate they are. Next thing I was looking through my scrap bin :) to see what will surface, first I found a tray from laptop DVD, and eject shaft caught my eye. And idea was born. last night I printed some drafts just so see how and will it work, original spring was cut in half because it had to much tension. Sliders are from same DVD drive. that will be cut to size. Spring i had laying around. And micro-switch is from old Pioneer car cassette player. I've attached stl file, but i have not finish print yet. So I don't know will it fit. Still working on the lid for the probe because it will carry retraction mechanism. probe should retract 4-5mm when finished To be continued ... The fit was to tight so i shaved 0.5mm from the slider.. now works great and retraction will be 5 mm



