Filament Carousel Tower for Prusa Sheet Metal Frames
FIX: The file "DirectCoilDispenderPrusaTower.stl" contained an redundant shell. Now the file is fixed. thx "Procatec"! The initial versions of the [Filament Carousel]( are limiting the print height. To solve this issue I made a higher base for the Filament Carousel. It is designed for Prusa sheet metal frames with 6mm thickness and an 40mm wide upper beam. An alternative clamp fits 20x20 aluminum profiles. The hub and carrier are to be taken from the initial [Filament Carousel]( This #FilamentCarousel is capable of extracting the filament refill coils directly from the bag. The filament can stay in its package where it is protected from dust and to a degree also from moisture. See also the [concept video]( on YouTube (sorry German for know). To provide an overview see the [Group Filament Carousel]( on thingiverse. Every one who is interested in invited to join! Bill of Materials 3 bearings 608 (most common ones) 3 countersink screws M5x20 3 Nuts M5 2 countersink screws M4x12 (M4x25 for the 20x20 clamp) 2 Nuts M4 2-4 binder clips Printing and Assembly The base is to be printed upside down. The model contains all required support. I also provided an Version withe additional support inside the hole. All support structures are realized as extra shells in the models. This way is not recommend (I know) bot most slicers don't have issues with this and the you can separate the support structures if you want to remix the part. The clamp is to be printed on one of its sides, to obtain ideal layer orientation. The assembly can be seen in this [video]( (The explanations are in German, but you will get the clue even if you don’t understand a single word.) Preparation of the coils is also shown in an [video]( (Also German, but you will get the clue)