Pi Zero W Car Cam (mostly working)

Pi Zero W Car Cam (mostly working)


Note: After about a month in the heat and sun the PLA deformed. I am either going to reprint it in ABS or make a version 2 with following changes (More room between bottom and bottom screw holes, a "cap" instead of slide in cover. Make it taller. make it easier to get the sd card in and out with out pliers/tweezers) Pi Zero W based Car Cam Has GPS components to overlay over camera image (Mostly working) I dont know what i am doing, but i keep screwing up the screw holes. if u use this, do a version 6, and move the front bottom holes maybe a 1-2 mm toards the corners...I ended up cuting the bottom with a hobby knife, I think the nut holes should be a littel bigger to be more forgiving of the print run. Also, if you mount it access panel up (as intended) the cable for the camera preventsit sitting flat. Also the hole bottom hole situation could be shifted toward the back a good 5-6mm, cant secure the bottom camera bults with the standoffs I had on hand. the PI is almost flush with the front wall. Also, no vent holes means it gets hotter then I like. If i ever circle back to this project, i will fix these, but as of now its good enough for a first attemtp to mount in the car .






