Rostock Max v3 Whip Clip Retainer

Rostock Max v3 Whip Clip Retainer


Hello all, Here is a mod I developed to hold the Rostock Max v3 Whip Clip to the HE 280 Hot end from SeeMeCnc. After 1.5 years of printing, this is starting to become a recurring issue - the whip plug begins to work (wiggle) it's way out of the hot end on lengthy prints - resulting in erratic heater readings to the mainboard/software and ultimately failed prints. I saw other clips online and made mine a little higher and inserted 3/8" weatherstripping as a cushion holding the clip in the hot end. Why?.. You don't want to have a rigid PCB connection held tightly on a moving/vibrating PCB. You may eventually crack the PCB. Happy Printing!...



