Robotech UN Forces World War III Global Civil War Scout Helicopter
Robotech UN Forces World War III Global Civil War Quiet Advanced Scout Helicopter Howard LH-2000. The unit is designed to Scout Targets for ground forces, track enemy targets via the digital network, and direct Close Air Support and Off Board artillery day or night. Stats: None - Pre Robotech Scout Helicopter Mobilize 6 per unit ATK4-6 Def6* range16 move 18 Ability: Agile - Dodges on a Natural 6*. Ability: Quiet- Helicopter can ambush (does not need to be placed on board until seen or detected) Hitpoints: 1 hit wonder. Other variants exist: News Boarder Patrol Coast Guard ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare) Payload 2 ( TOW Defender - Anti-Tank (with missile pods on side) Payload 4 and Fast Attack Helicopter used to deploy Special Operation Teams. Robotech RRT is a 1/285th scale game. This Helicopter is 25mm (ish)