bike speedometer
As far as I could search, this is the only and the first speedometer project here. This is part of a bigger project of DIY Ebike. #Intro: speedometer is a device to measure the speed of your bike. The working principle is simple. A sensor is fixed to the bike's body, and it is triggered by, in our case, a magnet. So the magnet is attached to the wheel. By every turn the sensor senses the magnet once. Here, every second I count the number of turns which has been done. By knowing the circumference of the wheel I calculate the traveled distance, hence the speed of the bike. However, with one magnet it can measure minimum one turn per second which for 26 inch bike is ~7 km/hr ! to improve the resolution more magnets could be used. #parts list: 1-arduino Nano 2- hall sensor A3144 3- resistor 220 ohm 4-LED 5-LCD ( I used Nokia 5110) 6-logic level converter(5v to 3.3v) 7-breadboard 8-wires 8- screws and nuts (M3) 10-battery ( I have an ebike, but any 5 V supply should be fine) #3D printing The design is containing four parts: 1.sensor holder: it attaches to the bike body 2.magnet holder: it attaches to the wheel, 3.LCD holder, and 4. a ring to fix the LCD to the bike. I designed sensor holder in Freecad. There is a spreedsheet which define the main dimensions. there you can change the numbers and the design will be adjusted to your needs. Or you can try to give solid number to every object; up to you. The magnet holder is designed in Openscad. In lines 5 to 22, you need to define the magnet size , etc. It differs for every bike almost, so try to customize it to your needs. The LCD holder has two part, a box and a cap.