Candy stripe pendant

Candy stripe pendant


Simple but effective, this is a large bead or pendant that can be strung on a necklace. The joy (and the pain!) comes from changing the filament colour frequently during the build, at varying measurements to give a fab candy stripe effect. Printed on a Flashforge finder, no special settings. Make sure the pendant is oriented with the hole running top to bottom, so that when it's threaded the stripes will run across the piece. I paused the print at 10 points when printing this example, at anywhere between 1 and 6mm intervals. you don't need to buy lots of big reels of filament for this - the piece uses 2.5m in total so you could buy the 5m lengths in lots of colours they sell for filament pens. You do need to give up an hour of your time though, as the filament changes are time consuming!






