28mm Owl

28mm Owl


I quickly tinkered an Owl familiar for someone in our Pathfinder group. I printed it with a 0.4mm nozzle and that's where it's claws get a bit messy, but when printed in 0.2mm nozzle it should be fine. I meshmixed this together out of 3 other models others else created, so I don't want to take any credit for each designs. I also did some minor tweaks of the pose in Blender so it looks more like flying / attacking. I included a couple versions, depending on how you want to print it. I personally printed it in 3 different parts. Normally I would paint the model first before gluing it on the transparent wind standee, but I'm lazy and this isn't going to be my familiar anyway :D Maybe if he wants to paint it I can just print again and will include that picture here if that ever is going to happen. If you going to print the owl as standalone I can suggest you to print it upside down, to minimize supports needed! Anyhow, feedback is always welcome which helps me to improve myself. Thx and enjoy! Sismanski



