Spine for rod motor mount
This is a spine segment for our Rod motor mount ( https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3574454 ) and unless you want to glue the wood/aluminium/carbon rod into your model, this is the part you can use to make it removable. Print as many as you need (3-5 is fine for most models), slip them on your square 1cm rod equally spaced and mark where they should go on your model. Dig out all necessary channels and glue these spine segments into your models. On top of each spine you'll find a small hole. This is a security pin hole. Drill through your rod exactly where these holes are and insert a small screw, toothpick or anything. It should go straight through the spine and the rod, locking it in place and preventing it from coming out. DO NOT glue these security pins - they're the ones allowing you to take out the rod should you ever need to. Refer to the photo on how this contraption looks. The spines themselves print with no support and are extremely lightweight. The flaps on the sides of each spine should be glued into the model's body and will grab strongly. It will withstand crashes with most standard motors up to 70 grams and 1kw of power. This is the lightweight version of this mount. For heavier motors please use our tunnel (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3580173). They should be printed with 3 wall, top and bottom layers and 20% infill or more. Please make sure to sand all surfaces in contact with glue with 100 grit sandpaper and clean with alcohol to ensure proper bonding.