D&D/Pathfinder Miniature Base Sizes
I know someone could guess the size of the Creatures/Figures just from the Visual and space covered, but I still loved the Aspect of having the **CREATURE SIZES** labeled on the underside of the models. You could also just have files saved to drop into the Slicer field to Compare **OTHER** figures to proper size bases that come as a whole 3d model. Just remember the *Z axis* may not be the correct scale of your model even if the Base *X* and *Y* values are correct Bases also cover the correct 1 inch tile base system so following the regular rules. **Medium** and **Small** fit the 1 square, **Large** Covers 4 squares, **Huge** Covers 9 squares, **Gargantuan** Covers 16 Squares ***UPDATE*** Colossal covers 36 Squares for all you Pathfinder playres! Also updated the **tag** listings to reflect not only D&D, but also Pathfinder search parameters. I suggest sticking with the .1mm layer height so the Wording is legible and not so gaped on the labeling as a .2mm is, down fall is the timeframe to print multiple Models. Definitely a decent Time moderator when you just wanna print something between decisions, or to use up the Last bit of filament on you spool! **LET IT ROLL**