Solder Feed Tool

Solder Feed Tool


This is a custom creation based on an image seen on the internet of a tool that feeds solder to the wires being held by the tool. The tool seen online is I believe made of aluminum. This one does effectively the same thing except it is 3D printed. The one viewed online costs in the neighborhood of $80 and is listed as an ez solder tool. The only special components needed are 2 springs used in 3D printers and a fine tooth gear. The springs are similar to those shown at this link ( that are approximately 22mm long and about 8mm diameter. The springs allow the posts to be retracted to place the wire into for holding from each side (see video). The gear is the 40 tooth fine extruder gear ( typically found on a NEMA17 motor that feeds filament to the hot end of the printer. Those items are readily available on places like Amazon, and other suppliers of 3D parts. Here is a video of the tool in action Similar items may work just as well. I have included a video of how the tool works as well. If the feeding from a coil of solder presents a problem, it may be necessary to cut the solder into lengths that fit inside the handle and just change them out as refills when one is expended. So far mine with the coil of solder is working well. About the only parts that might need a raft when printing are the posts since they are not very big. I did not use supports on any portion of the prints. Printing was done in draft mode with 1.75mm PETG filament. The outer shells are somewhat thin, so they could be beefed up probably to help with strength. NOTE that solder that is larger than about 1.5mm diameter may not fit the feeder chamber.







Hand Tools