5x7" Point & shoot 150mm Large format camera (lightweight)

5x7" Point & shoot 150mm Large format camera (lightweight)


ASK ME BEFORE YOU PRINT THIS!! NEW VERSION SHORTLY! Second iteration 5x7" (13x18cm Negative) Point and Shoot Camera for 150mm lens. Set up with a 150mm f/9 G-Claron lens in a copal 0 shutter. Lightweight (<890 g) with lens and filmholder! Thread pitch is 12.5mm, thus giving you fra infinity to close in focus of around 2m. Nb you need to calibrate the scale yourself using the groundglass. Added coldshoes, recommend using screws and not magnets. Negatives scans from the previous versions. Edit 1 December 2019: Added funnel design to frontcap. This is mounted on to the frontcap AFTER the frontcap is threaded onto the camerabody. Its purpose is to prevent the frontcap and lens to fall off the camera inadvertently. (known fact) There are two versions of the funnel, only difference is height. Expect the 45mm to be fine, but to be sure there is a 55mm there also. The funnel screws onto the front cap with 4 short countersunk M3 screws, there holes are self tapping. But if you have any concerns thread them in with a bit of superglue. Edit: 24 November 2019 - added groundglass frame with 136x181mm cut out for groundglass on request. Edit: 10 November 2019 - Added 2 generation files - First generation files available in zip Edit 24 April 2019: - Added a first release of left handgrip Planned updates: - cold shoe(s), to put level, finder, range finder etc.. - DONE! grip of some sort. - improved film holder clamps to replace bungee cord. Ps. print entire camera, including lens board/focus screw in black!! The fancy red one gave me a hint of light leakage.






