Staggered Fused Clapton Spacing Helper

Staggered Fused Clapton Spacing Helper


Here is the item i use myself to make Staggered Fused Claptons. How to use: Bind the wire you going to use for the spacing (lets say 32ga) on one of the posts. Then place the 32ga wire thru the little hole. Place the 32ga over the wire (lets say 26ga) where you want to put the staggered wire on, the posts need to face away from you. Guide the 32ga wire thru the slit and bind it on the other post. Be sure the wire sit tight but not to tight so it is able to slide along behind the 32ga wire you going to use for the wrap. Repeat the process on the other wire ( or more). After you have both (ore more) staggered clapton, put the helper aside and now bind the wires together so the staggered fused clapton is created. Easy way to create your own perfect spaced clapton wire. I printed mine with PETG, runs just a bit smoother then standard PLA. Though PLA can be used also. Credits also go out to CMF





