Filament drybox for 4-5 spools

Filament drybox for 4-5 spools


Made this drybox: I bought: - Plastic box (230x440x240mm, but measure your filament spools to fit them inside) - 4x PC4-M6 Pneumatic Straight Connector - 4x M6 bolt (matching the Pneumatic Connector you choose) - Few metres of PTFE tube (depending on how far away from your printer the drybox will be) - 16x M3 bolts (had them lying around, so different sizes) - 16x M3 nut - Lighter - Paperclip - 40mm roud PVC pipe (has to fit the inner hole of your spools) - Some silica sachets I printed: - 2x PVC holder - 3x PTFE Tube holder by hilleke ( Thanx! Step one: Get a box that will close properly and will fit your spools. And get the rest of the stuff. And print the holders. Step two: Measure where you want the holes for the filament will be (I did it 3/4 from the bottom of the box.) Unfold the paperclip and use the ligther to light ik red hot. Make holes in the box using the paperclip, on the just measured places. Get a pneumatic connector and try to fit it in the hole you just made, otherwise use the a hot paperclip again to make the hole bigger. Do this for al the holes (4 in my case.) Get the 4 M6 nuts and put them on the other side of the pneumatic connector. Step 3: Measure where you want the PVC holders to be (In the middle of the side should work.) Now use the paperclip again to make holes in the box, try them with an M3 bolt. Once all the holes are there use the M3 bolts and nuts to screw the holders onto the box. Step 4: Get the 40mm PVC pipe, measure the length from holder to holder and saw it tho length. Step 5: Get some spools on the 40mm PVC pipe, and put it in the box. Cut 4 PTFE tubes to the same length. Connect them to the pneumatic connectors on the box. Put the filament thrue the pneumatic connectors and PTFE tube. Put some silica sachets inside the box and close it. Enjoy!



