The Molecular Puzzle
Make chemistry in to art! This is a puzzle, where you can take a molecule or chemical compound of your choice and print it in to a puzzle. You can also have some information on the base plate about the molecule or it's properties. There are a lot of different pieces, but it's rather simple to select the ones you need: 1. Select which molecule you want to print, and learn how many atoms, bonds, etc it has. 2. Extract the Center_and_Large .zip file to access all pieces 3. Select the pieces accordingly and include one "center piece", which has a hole to mount it to the base with the smaller Base Pin. 4. Customize Your Base Plate in either the Customizer or editing the .scad file directly with OpenScad 5. Print all pieces 6. Assemble the puzzle! The "Atoms" are labeled so, that the first number is the number of holes for bonds it has and then some have the angle between the holes. The different bonds (single double, triple etc.) are differentiated by printing them in different color. The Customizer does not seem to like subscript numbers, so to have those, you must edit the .scad file with OpenSCAD Check out my other designs here: