Casino Pocket Bank

Casino Pocket Bank


Casino Pocket Bank. Ever been to a casino and felt tempted to dip into your winnings? Want to make sure some of the money you put away to take home actually gets there? This thing is for you. Assembled with two small screws, the Casino Money Bank has a slot for putting bills/chips/tickets in but needs tools to get out. The idea is you can safeguard money from momentary lapses in judgement by securing it in this pocket bank, assured that your money will be safe until you get out of the casino. Sure, there may be a screwdriver in the car, but by the time you walk out of the casino and back to the car you should have had some time to think about it, do you really want to give this money back? This thing is meant to buy you time before deciding to spend your winnings and help you segregate monies you meant to take home. Note: You will not need both the Rubber Stopper Backer and the Comb Stopper, you may choose one or the other, or neither. It works OK without a stopper, though the plunger may not stay in, but the stopper gives it an added edge of security against accidentally losing a chip or having a bill or ticket placed inside work its way out.






